Exciting adventures, dangerous decisions, evil villains and over the top action. Our aim is to create new worlds for role-players to enjoy and to tell their stories in.
Quality is our first goal, our second is originality. Our passion for what we do shows in the products. You can be assured that anything bearing the JII logo will be of the highest quality
Role-playing games have been our passion for many years and we are very excited to share our work with others who feel the same.

Morné Schaap
Morne made his grand entrance into the tabletop role-playing game industry in 2015 with Winter Eternal, a post-post-apocalyptic fantasy setting for Savage Worlds. His son was born at the same time and he’s been showing a lot of love to both ever since. Writing isn’t his only talent. His graphic design skills have been on display with maps, card decks, handouts and layouts. He is the driving force behind Just Insert Imagination and promises many more quality products in the future.
Eric Lamoureux
As a long time gamer, Eric is a master adventure writer. He is great at adding twists and interesting situations as well as coming up with novel ideas for settings and games.
Since he joined, his innovative ideas have been responsible for many of Just Insert Imagination's best and most popular products, like our Plug&Play adventures. And looking at the list of things to do, there is no end to his creativity in sight yet.
Add new flavor or fun mechanics to your game with our beautiful card decks

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Our Plug&Play adventures are just the thing

Here are links to other publishers and interesting Kickstarters. Have a look for more great settings and adventures.
© 2017 by Just Insert Imagination